BS4142 - Noise Assessments
BS4142 noise assessments are normally requested by a Planning Officer or E.H.O (Environmental Health Officer) due to concerns of increased noise from a noise source located or proposed to be located near residential properties, they are applied for in a planning application to the local authority (Council). The type of noise source could be a proposed mechanical noise e.g. Fans, Air Conditioning Systems, Generators etc.
How is noise tested for BS4142
A Class 1 (or Type 1) Sound Level Meter and environmental kit is positioned on site. Broadband background noise levels (LA90) are monitored and recorded. The specific noise (LAeq) (the new noise source) is measured (if already commissioned) or calculated if in the planning stage.
Specific levels are compared to background noise levels in accordance with BS4142: 1997 or relevant local authority UDP (Unitory Development Policy). It is usually accepted that a 10dB excess (specific noise over background noise) will create a situation where complaints are likely.
Contact JSD AAT for more information on BS4142 noise assessments and find out how we can help you pass the required regulations.